Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sunday night = Voluntary insomnia

Final exam tomorrow.  No where near ready.  You do the math.

Thanks to for the pic. =)

Friday, October 28, 2011

Where The Heart Is...

This beautiful and smart girl is my friend's daughter.  He was going to teach in the anatomy lab, didn't have a sitter, and wife was out of town.  So I told him to drop her off.  I set her up with a movie and Juno while I studied.  Then, I couldn't study anymore...I just stopped caring.  So I sat and played with her for a while.  We watched Robots and then she started telling me about her mom's pregnancy.  It's really funny bc she knows what's going on, but she doesn't know how to put everything together exactly.  Here's how the conversation went.

Lil girl:  I'm having a baby.
Me:  You are?
Lil girl: Yes, she's in my mommy's tummy right now.
Me:  Really?  When is she gonna come out?
Lil girl: When I'm a big sister.
Me: That's so awesome!  Do you know what her name is going to be?
Lil girl: Lady bug.
Me: What?
Lil girl: LADY BUG.
Me: Awesome.  I bet you can't wait!
Lil girl: YEA!  My mom is going to spit her out of her mouth this ***makes spit noise***

So adorable. Anyway, I lost a couple of hours of studying, but I think I gained a little of my life back.  Still scared for Monday, but feeling a little more like a bad performance wouldn't end my life.  Ready to study again.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

If he mess up you gotta hit him up

It always happens around test time that I'll think I can study productively even when I'm exhausted. That theory was debunked tonight. I was learning about ACE inhibitors (blood pressure drugs) when all of a sudden I realize the following:

1. An hour has passed
2. I know no more about ACE inhibitors than I did an hour ago.
3. I now know EVERYTHING there is to know about Will Smith's family life.

Did you guys know that the Smith power couple has an open marriage?! That's right! They allow each other to step out of the marriage as long as they know it's going to happen before hand. I will NOT be doing that. I'm not ok with my husband sticking it to anyone else... And if he's gonna do it anyway, I pray that he's sneaky enough for me to never know...for his sake. Ugh I'm gonna have to put a "I get to sell everything you own and make you watch it while I deposit the money in my non-joint checking account" clause in my prenup. Yikes... Maybe I shouldnjust join a convent.

Song of the Moment....

Have had this in my head for two days...  Not symbolic.  Just stuck there.

"Heart Like Mine"

I ain't the kind you take home to mama
I ain't the kind to wear no ring
Somehow I always get stronger
When I'm on my second drink

Even though I hate to admit it
Sometimes I smoke cigarettes
The Christian folks say I should quit it
And I just smile and say "god bless"

Cause I heard Jesus he drank wine
And I bet we'd get along just fine
He could calm a storm and heal the blind
And I bet he'd understand a heart like mine

Daddy cried when he saw my tattoo
But said he loved me anyway
My brother got the brains of the family
So I thought I'd learn to sing

Cause I heard Jesus he drank wine
And I bet we'd get along just fine
He could calm a storm and heal the blind
And I bet he'd understand a heart like mine

And I'll fly away from it all one day
And I'll fly, I'll fly away
But these are the days that I will remember
When my names called on a roll
He'll meet me with two long stem glasses
And make a toast to me coming home

Cause I heard Jesus he drank wine
And I bet we'd get along just fine
He could calm a storm and heal the blind
And I bet he'd understand
Understand a heart like mine
Oh yes he would

Saturday, August 20, 2011

The worst sentence I've ever read......

"In RA immunomodulation by inhibition of aminoimidazolecarboxamide ribonucleotide (AICAR) transformylase, and polymorphonuclear chemotaxis decrease autoimmune destruction." 


Me not workin hard? Yea right picture that with a kodak...

3 Midterms combined into one test on Monday. 

Guys, it's so on!

Wish me luck!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Who do you think you are?

It took so long just to feel alright
Remember how to put back the light in my eyes
I wish I had missed the first time that we kissed
‘Cause you broke all your promises
And now you're back
You don't get to get me back

Who do you think you are?
Runnin' 'round leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
And tearing love apart
You're gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
Don't come back for me
Don't come back at all

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Flash Mob School in London

So you're in the atrium, signing up for the gajillion clubs your medical school has to offer (the acronyms of which you will forget the minute the check is cashed) when all of a sudden.....scrub tops are coming OFF!  The bass is ON! And about 40 of your upper classmen are doing a choreographed dance to Party Rock...  This is the most awesome thing that will happen all year!!...or at least it should have been.  lol.  This is exactly what a bunch of my classmates tried to do to surprise the M1s.  This normally would have totally been my thing, but I couldn't go bc of a doctor's appt...THANK GOD!  Why?  Bc what happen instead was the scrub tops came OFF!  The crowds started looking!!  And then....the speakers broke.  Ay yi yi.  I was so sad for them.  Even as a spectator, I was excited, I had my phone out and everything to video it, but I can only imagine how they felt.  For any of you who have never seen a flash mob, check out this clip from Weeds: Flash Mob - Weeds.

I'm feeling better and generally more optimistic.  I'm still feeling considerably overwhelmed, but I feel like somehow things are gonna be fine.  I've been working on my fitness and eating really well and I think that it helping, but the thing that I think will help the most (and the thing I'm praying for the most) is to sleep.  I still am having such a hard time sleeping. Studying overall has been good.  I still take forever to go through everything, but at least I feel like I can focus, so that's a good thing.  As for the boys, holy mess....  I'm in some kind of fierce trouble.  The best kind.  (Of course, trouble is taking a backseat for now.)

My dad is coming back in town Friday!  I'm looking forward to having dinner with him and the rest of my family.

I'm really busy with school right now, so can someone please tell me what is going on in London?  All I saw was a video of a REALLY ignorant BBC reporter interviewing a man who was really upset about what's going on.  3 sentences or less please. =)

To conclude....

Sunday, August 7, 2011

A smattering of things medical...ish.

  • I wish I had never googled pustular psoriasis
  • Skin is disgusting.
  • People who name gross dermatological conditions after themselves concern me.
  • Almost every condition in dermatology sounds like a spell from Harry Potter (ex - Pemphigus Vulgarus)
  • My roommate thinks that the puppy is giving him a staph infection.  

Medical Students Converse about wedding veils

Me: Are you wearing the same veil?
Med student #2: My veil is going to sit lower on my head but its just plain like hers.
Me: U mean lower like more posterior?  If not, what do you mean?
Med student #2: Well hers is on her crown.  Mine will sit like on my occipital protuberance.
Me: Got it!  That's prettier.

It's been awhile...

...but it has been requested of me to start updating my blog, since I am again in the land of no life!  (i.e. - med school year 2)  I normally ignore such requests from people that require extra work, but the people who requested gave me a food processor!!!  I feel like I owe them one (or a hundred billion as the case may be).

After two summer semesters, I'm finally in the last year of my didactic courses of medical school.  It's 100x more interesting than my previous classes, but with sparked interest comes challenge.  What?!  They want me to THINK like a doctor now?  They're not just gonna test me on facts?  Grrrrrrr..  I guess someone clued them in on the fact that nothing is black and white.  Time to get my mind to think abstactly.

...This is gonna hurt.

Monday, April 25, 2011

A *test* day in the life of a med student

 Fell asleep around 4 am last up at 6 am to do some last minute prep for a my 8 am exam.  Potential for nap in about 4 hours!  Just gotta.....


Test started and as expected, there was 3 questions on the bacteria that causes stomach ulcers!  Now, I know that's probably not really interesting to you unless you've had stomach ulcers, but I took this picture in class when they gave the lecture on the bacteria and I figured if I don't share it here, no one will ever see it.  Sad, right?  Whatever, I'm a nerd.  I admit it.  Anyway, the yellow things in the picture are the bacteria.  Everything else is your stomach lining. Medical art is pretty cool. =)

After the exam, I tried to convince my roommate that he needed a puppy.  Yes, I used the word need.  I don't think he's actually gonna get one, but I somehow managed to get him into the pet store!  They didn't have puppies to play with today, but they DID have this bunny.  I loved it and probably would've tried to convince my roommate that we needed this too, but (a) he was too busy getting bit by a ferret and (b) I saw little poop balls and all cute points were then null and void.

After the pet store expedition, we had to go back to class.  Our lecture was on ethics and religion in medicine.  We had 5 guest speakers: a buddhist, a hindu, a rabbi, a priest, and a molana.  It sounds like the start of a bad joke, huh?  It was a little interesting, but mostly I wasn't paying attention bc (a) I never got my nap, (b) a student in my class began to get philosophical about the uselessness of hope and I was sure if I listened I'd get gas, and (c) the following text message conversation happened with someone from an unknown number:

Unknown: You are the dumbest person in the entire free world.
Me: Likely.  Who is this?
Unknown:  Sorry that message was meant for Classmate's first name dumbass Classmate's last name.
Me:  No problem.  That's fair.  Still.  Who is this?
Unknown: His sister in law.

 ...That is all I have to say on the matter.

THEN, my baby sister took me to a yummy and fun dinner which provided me the strength I needed and clean my room.  It just sparkles, doesn't it?

Next test is Friday.  I'm hoping it's another day like today.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Foundation and Applications of Clinical Reasoning Test tomorrow

As a first year med student you don't learn all that much clinical information.  What little clinical information you do learn is usually only given to you to illustrate some basic anatomical/physiological/histological/biochemical/microbiological concept...EXCEPT in the final I have tomorrow.  I usually can't diagnose anyone with anything other than the common cold or muscular problems with any sort certainty, however if you suspect you have any of the following ailments, I'm your diagnotician!!  WOOP WOOP!!

  • Complement deficiency
  • Arnold Chiari malformation
  • SCID
  • Horner's syndrome
  • Clostridium botulinum infection
  • Incontinence
  • Necrotizing fasciitis (DO NOT GOOGLE THIS...unless you have a strong stomach)
  • Brain hemorrhages
  • Measles
  • Strabismus
  • Meningitis
  • GERD
  • Herpes
  • Gallstones
  • Bacterial respiratory infection
  • Infective endocarditis
  • Thyroid disease
  • Viral respiratory infection
  • Helicobacter pylori infection
  • Sheehan syndrome
So basically we're looking a some basic stuff....and of course a few zebra cases.  If you suspect any of the aforementioned diseases....HOLLA ATCHA GIRL!  And I'll refer you to a specialist. =)

The Peanuts: Ode to the Single Lady (Take 2)

Friday, April 22, 2011

Champagne For My Real Friends, Real Pain For My Sham Friends

For any of you considering going into med school, here's a little piece of advice that will save you a lot of time:  DON'T BE FRIENDS WITH YOUR CLASSMATES.  You also should most definitely not date within your class, but that is a different story for a different time.  Med school is like high school without curfews.  I'm not gonna go into details bc that would make me as dumb and childish as my "colleagues" (yes...they make sure we call each other that here)...BUT I will tell you this.  Trust me: 95% of the people you are friends with in med school are not really your friends.  The remaining 5% that are the ones who you don't actually study with or share material with. The ones you talk about non-scholastic stuff to.  They MIGHT be your friends.  But proceed with caution  This is the rarity based on the theme of "gunner-ism", or worse "sniper-ism" that you will encounter in your courses.

Your real friends will continue to be the ones you've always had.  The ones you rush off to see as soon as schools over. Even if they live in Gainesville, Tampa, LA, NC, Naples, or TX. (Or soon Barcelona.) The ones who have played with your hair while you've cried on their lap watching Mulan.  The family who listens to you yell and complain about your med school friends for 30 minutes when they really just called cuz they missed you.  The dad who begs you to let him provide an ipad for you bc he thinks it'll help you.  The sisters who never question why you can't talk on the phone, but are ready to drop what they're doing to listen.  The friends who jump on the opportunity to see you when they visit or when you ask them to lunch bc they legitimately love you and try their best to understand your lack of time.  DO NOT IGNORE THESE PEOPLE.  If it's a choice between med school friends and pre-existing friends/family....always ALWAYS choose pre-existing friends and family. 

Save yourself the emotional push and pull of med school friends.  You want your heart to be intact and your altruism to be at the forefront on your list of qualities when you enter your career.  (And on the rare occasion when you get to see your pre-existing friends and family.)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Never take an aspirin while holding a dead gorilla head.

I learned that as well as many other random real life pearls while studying for today's microbio exam.  Try to avoid inhaling rat excrement.  Black vomit is always a bad sign.  Oh yes and despite safe practices and abstinence, everyone (yes EVERYONE) has STDs...Just from being living and breathing.  Don't worry, you'll never notice and you'll probably never show signs, but rest assured at least one of your friends knows ; )

Winter semester is almost over!!!  Only 2.5 short weeks until those butt clowns I go to school with can no longer ask me "What's this test gonna be like?", "Did that teacher give you a hint?", etc.  I will be...drumroll....A NORMAL MEDICAL STUDENT!!!  That's also an oxymoron.  The downside to that is that my classes that begin on May 10th will be grossly more intense, but you know what I'm totally ready to get started.  The sooner I start, the sooner I"ll be done and in clinics! Time is totally flying.

In other news...  There is none.  I studied the entire  I miss you guys!  I'll make up for my lack of communication over the past few months and the future few months by providing FREE HEALTHCARE when I'm done.  =)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Rachem's right

I'm really more of a green person. 

Expect an update later today.  Right now I'm all about microbiology.  =)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Primum non nocere

We'll see...

Well here goes...  My first attempt at blogging.  This will probably be somewhat similar to every attempt I've ever made at having a journal: write without fail for a few days and then forget or get stressed out over it and stop caring.   

Your mind is probably filled with questions like: "Why am I here?  Why is this happening?"  I understand the confusion...  Allow me to explain.  Med school owns me.  From the hours of about 7 am to 1 am the next day, I'm at the mercy of the body, learning about its processes, and itching to learn how to fix it.  I can only really socialize through text randomly throughout the day and the occasional 1 am phone call (which oddly, only my LA loves  So I'm hoping that I can catch you all up on my life through this.  I hope you'll comment, email, or even make you're own blog about your life.  They make great 5 minute library break material for me!

btw - I complain about the lack of free time and lack of a social life, but let me tell you, there is NO WHERE I'd rather be right now than in med school.  I'm tired, prematurely aging, and probably getting fat, but this is my niche.  It's making me lose all concept of socially appropriate conversation, but I'm loving it. <3

If you received this site from me personally, it means that I like you better than everyone on facebook.  =)

If you wondered upon it by chance, I'm so sorry.  =)  Hope you enjoy it anyway! lol

Love, gatshadoc